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As a new-generation HPPD inhibitor independently created by KingAgroot, Tripyrasulfone is a breakthrough in the field with regard to its safe use as post-emergence foliar application in rice. It exhibits no cross-resistance to most currently-existing grass herbicides in rice, making it an excellent solution to multi-resistant barnyardgrass ( Echinochloa crus-galli ) and Chinese sprangletop ( Leptochloa chinensis ).
Tripyrasulfone was commercialized in China in 2020. Market products:稻裕®, 稻谷盈®, 裕悠®, 赛丹® and 粳杰®。
Following the creation of Tripyrasulfone, Flusulfinam becomes another new HPPD-inhibiting herbicide in rice independently developed by KingAgroot. It has both foliar and soil activity, and can effectively control barnyardgrass ( Echinochloa crusgalli ), late watergrass ( Echinochloa phyllopogon ), crabgrass ( (Digitaria sanguinalis ), Chinese sprangletop ( Leptochloa chinensis ) and certain broadleaf weeds and sedges. Distinguished with other HPPD-inhibiting herbicides, it is safe for rice, with no difference between japonica rice and indica rice.
Flufenoximacil was first approved in Cambodia in April 2022 and later commercialized in China in September 2024.
Cinflubrolin can be applied through soil treatment in rice, wheat, corn, soybean, peanut and certain broadleaf vegetables. As the newest FAT inhibitor, Cinflubrolin has no cross-resistance with existing herbicides, and can be used in transplanted rice, dry and water direct-seeded rice. lt shows excellent control of major grasses such as barnyard qrass ( Echinochloa crus-galli ), late watergrass ( Echinochloa phyllopogon ), Chinese sprangletop ( Leptochloa chinensis ) and crabgrass ( Digitarig sanguinalis ), along with some sedges through soil treatment. It also has certain effect on younger weeds at early post-emergence stage.
Cinflubrolin is expected to be commercialized in China in 2026.
Products of Tripyrasulfone and Flusulfinam
As a new HPPD-inhibiting herbicide in wheat independently created by KingAgroot, Cypyrafluone is the first in this class available for grass control in wheat, thus there’s no cross-resistance to most currently-existing herbicides in wheat. It can effectively control resistant & multi-resistant grasses such as shortawn foxtail ( Alopecurus aequalis ) and Japanese foxtail ( Alopecurus japonicus ); meanwhile, it also can control various common grasses such as hardgrass ( Sclerochloa dura ), Asian beardgrass ( Polypogon fugax ), blue grass ( Poa annua ) and British timothy ( Phleum paniculatum ), as well as certain broadleaf weeds such as giant chickweed ( Malachium aquaticum ), shepherd’s purse ( Capsella bursa-pastoris ) and wild mustard ( Sinapis arvensis ). The innovation and application of Cypyrafluone is a milestone in the development history of wheat herbicides.
In 2018, Cypyrafluone was commercialized in China. Market products: 普草克® and 虎贲®.
In 2022, Cypyrafluone was commercialized in Pakistan. Market products: WEEDUALTM and HARD HITTM.
Bipyrazone is a new HPPD-inhibiting herbicide in wheat, independently developed by KingAgroot. It is safe for wheat and can effectively control resistant and multi-resistant broadleaf weeds, such as flixweed ( Descurainia sophia ), shepherd’s purse ( Capsella bursa-pastoris ), wild mustard ( Sinapis arvensis ), cleavers ( Galium aparine ), common chickweed ( Stellaria media ), giant chickweed ( Malachium aquaticum ), corn gromwell ( Lithospermum arvense ), carolina geranium ( Geranium carolinianum ), henbit ( Lamium amplexicaule ), etc. The compound exhibits no cross-resistance to most currently-existing broadleaf herbicides in wheat.
In 2018, Cypyrafluone was commercialized in China. Market products: 雪鹰® , 麦豹® , 雪虎® , 麦欢® , 满达® and 锐宝®.
Products of Cypyrafluone and Cypyrafluone
As the third-generation HPPD-inhibiting herbicide in corn independently created by KingAgroot, Fenpyrazone can effectively control ALS-inhibitor resistant weeds. It has no cross-resistance to nicosulfuron, and provides excellent control effect. It has high corn safety, good rotational flexibility and broader grass spectrum.
Fenpyrazone was commercialized in China in 2020. Market products: 清原金玉盈®, 金稳玉®, 金玉普瑞®, 怀瑞®, 甜糯丹® and 山瑞®.
Fenpyrazone based products
Fluchloraminopyr-tefuryl is a new-generation systemic non-selective herbicide with long persistence, independently developed by KingAgroot. With a very broad weed spectrum, it can effectively control various glyphosate tolerant weeds, such as horseweed ( Erigeron canadensis ), common dayflower ( Commelina communis ), field bindweed ( Convolvulus arvensis ), goosegrass ( Eleusine indica ), southern cutgrass ( Leersia hexandra ), field horsetail ( Equisetum arvense ), common reed ( Phragmites australis ), etc. Meanwhile, it also shows excellent effect against hard-to-control weeds like undershrubs and lianas in forestry and non-cropland. The compound has stable control effect under low temperature and provide a longer persistence than currently-existing solutions.
Fluchloraminopyr-tefuryl was first granted approval in Cambodia in April 2022, and is expected to be commercialized in China in 2025.
Flufenoximacil is a new-generation contact non-selective herbicide belonging to the PPO inhibitor class and is independently developed by KingAgroot. It has broad weed spectrum and good following crop flexibility. Meanwhile, it takes effect rapidly and the symptom appears quickly. In addition, since Flufenoximacil has improved activity, the use rate is significantly reduced to gram level, thus the compound is very environmentally friendly.
Flufenoximacil was first approved in Cambodia in April 2022 and later commercialized in China in September 2024.
Products of Flufenoximacil
As the newest Deoxy-D-Xylulose Phosphate ( DOXP ) synthase inhibitor, the patented compound Broclozone has both soil and foliar activity, and is suitable for wheat, rice, soybean, cotton, garlic, peanut, watermelon, oilseed rape, cabbage and other crops and scenarios. It has wide crop applicability and good following crop flexibility. It can effectively control key resistant weeds including annual ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum ), cleavers ( Galium aparine ), speedwell ( Veronica spp. ), giant chickweed ( Malachium aquaticum ), wild oat ( Avena fatu ), barnyard grass ( Echinochloa crus-galli ), black nightshade ( Solanum nigrum ), redroot pigweed ( Amaranthus retroflexus ), purslane ( Portulaca oleracea ), etc. With no cross-resistance to other currently existing herbicides, it is an effective resistant weed management solution.
Broclozone is expected to be commercialized in China in 2025.
As a noval GABA-gated chloride channel allosteric modulator, Isoflualanam has unique mode of action, with no cross-resistance to other insecticides. It has both stomach toxicity and contact activity, and takes effect rapidly. With broad insect spectrum, it can control various insects such as lepidoptera, coleoptera, acarine, hemiptera ( aphids ), Thysanoptera ( thrips ), etc.
As KingAgroot's first patented insecticide compound,Isoflualanam is expected to be commercialized in China in 2026.