KingAgroot officially releases three newest patented herbicidal compounds and their common names, expected to be commercialized around 2025

KingAgroot  清原农冠   May.16, 2022

Recently, KingAgroot Innovation Center officially released the Chinese common names of three newest patented compounds, namely溴噁草松 (xiuecaosong, code name KAI-172402), 噁唑草啶 (ezuocaoding, code name KAI-162573), 甲氧嘧草肟 (jiayangmicaowo, code name KAI-177022), indicating that the development of the third wave of KingAgroot’s patented compounds has officially strode forward from R&D pipeline to commercialization, and these products are expected to be registered and launched in China around 2025.

KAI-172402, the newest DOXP-inhibiting herbicide with both foliar and soil activity, is suitable for many crops such as wheat, rice, soybean, cotton, garlic, peanut, watermelon, oilseed rape, cabbage and various crops, and has selectivity for a wide range of crops and flexibility in subsequent crop planting. It can effectively control key resistant weeds such as Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), cleavers (Galium aparine), speedwell (Veronica polita), giant chickweed (Myosoton aquaticum), wild oat (Avena fatua), Barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crusgalli), black nightshade (Solanum nigrum), redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus) and purslane (Portulaca oleracea), and has no cross-resistance to other currently-existing mainstream herbicides, thus it is a powerful resistant weed management solution.

KAI-162573, the newest PPO-inhibiting compound, is a contact non-selective herbicide with ultra-high activity. Only several grams per mu is needed to achieve excellent activity against resistant horseweed (Erigeron canadensis) and goosegrass (Eleusine indica). As the newest burndown herbicide, this compound is characterized in low temperature tolerance, broad spectrum and void of weed resistance. The compound is also applicable to crops with PPO-resistant traits, therefore it is a powerful resistant weed management solution.

KAI-177022, a new-generation synthetic auxin herbicidal compound, exhibits effective control effect on resistant speedwell (Veronica polita) in wheat as well as broadleaf weeds such as triquetrous murdannia (Murdannia triquetra), heartshape false pickerelweed (Monochoria vaginalis), alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides), dayflower (Commelina communis), wandering Jew (Commelina bengalensis) in rice and corn. It is a powerful resistant weed management solution Since there is no cross-resistance to ALS, PPO and PSII inhibitors.

The commercialization of KAI-172402, KAI-162573 and KAI-177022 will offer more thoroughly, safe and efficient weed management solutions to global farmers, thus effectively saving the cost of crop planting and contributing to yield sustainability, agricultural production growth and world food supply. By doing this, KingAgroot is taking a solid step in becoming the engine of global agricultural biotechnology innovation.

So far, KingAgroot has commercialized four patented compounds, namely Cypyrafluone, Bipyrazone, Tripyrasulfone and Fenpyrazone. In April 2022, another three novel patented compounds KAI-141012, QYNS101 and QYR601 granted for registration in Cambodia. That’s the first registration of these three compounds globally and they are expected to be commercialized successively in China from the end of 2022 to 2024.

By 2025, KingAgroot is anticipated to have more than ten novel patented herbicidal compounds and will fulfill its commitment of “re-inventing herbicides”. At that time, KingAgroot may become the company possessing the largest number of on sale patented herbicidal compounds in the world. Releasing the three newest patented compounds once again demonstrates that KingAgroot’s resolution of dedicating itself to herbicide field and powerful R&D capability.